no but imagine yourself in the MC's shoes like esp in that photo w that position and all.....

honeycrisp December 4, 2024 6:41 am

no but imagine yourself in the MC's shoes like esp in that photo w that position and all... within a DAY someone you try hitting on spikes your drink, rapes & takes a photo of the rape and then sends it to you as collateral and then to your close friend for insurance. then despite all of that, directly confronting him head on adds gasoline to the fire. I would not only be traumatized but also fucking liviidddd

    honeycrisp December 7, 2024 8:09 am
    i think you’re delusional! apparently you don’t understand what im saying. i was responding to one part of your comment, it’s ok to say he doesn’t deserve to get raped, and i wasn’t against that. but ... i hate harems

    when you reply to a comment talking ab a character's rape experience with "but he's not innocent" it makes ur argument sound like ur okay with him being raped you dumbass hoe

    "he doesn't deserve to be raped"

    "I agree but he's not innocent"

    the FUCK is that supposed to mean? you smoothed brained ass bitch

    honeycrisp December 7, 2024 8:16 am
    i think you’re delusional! apparently you don’t understand what im saying. i was responding to one part of your comment, it’s ok to say he doesn’t deserve to get raped, and i wasn’t against that. but ... i hate harems

    "its so terrible he's been raped and then tormented"

    -- "I agree but he's not innocent"

    what the FUCK is that supposed to mean you dumbass hoe you can't follow up your agreement that him being raped is bad with a "but-" you smooth brained ass bitch

    honeycrisp December 7, 2024 8:20 am
    i think you’re delusional! apparently you don’t understand what im saying. i was responding to one part of your comment, it’s ok to say he doesn’t deserve to get raped, and i wasn’t against that. but ... i hate harems

    it doesn't make ANY sense

    "its so terrible he's been raped and tormented"

    "I agree, but he's not innocent"

    you're not making a general, isolated statement. your response is to me saying he's been raped. this is how the conversation sounds

    "your pasta is too stiff"

    "so should I cook it longer so its softer?"

    "no, I never said that, I just said your pasta is too stiff"

    huneycrisp December 7, 2024 8:35 am
    i think you’re delusional! apparently you don’t understand what im saying. i was responding to one part of your comment, it’s ok to say he doesn’t deserve to get raped, and i wasn’t against that. but ... i hate harems

    "its so terrible he's been raped and tormented"

    - "I agree, but he's not innocent"

    you're not making a general, isolated statement. your response is to me saying he's been raped. this is how the conversation sounds

    "bob got into a car accident last Friday, how terrible is that"

    "oh yeah, its terrible, but lets not act like he's not a jerk"

    "so you're saying he deserves it?"

    "no, im just saying he's a jerk"

    ???? LIKE WHAT

    aison December 7, 2024 10:06 am

    Guys chill