Long post sorry

That_One_Sith December 4, 2024 4:13 am

This is fiction so I know for a fact that Fargo will take the route where Hyesung will be pretty much pressured to forgive his narcissistic awful "mother"

BUT for the love of God, please don't ever let yourselves be pressured into forgiving someone who deeply hurt/abused you, even if that person is your family

Narcissistic people don't change, even if fiction wants to make it seem like everything at the end is rainbow colors, it really isn't, if your mother or father have put their priorities first over yours before all the time, they will keep on doing it and you will only get more hurt if you expect them to change and do better

You are not obliged to forgive anybody, sometimes even forcing yourself to forgive hurts you even more because you have a right to not forgive them, that is ok and you should know that

    LoverOfYaoi December 4, 2024 8:27 am

    Right??!! Honestly it just broke my heart when I saw that chapter that talked about his mom because from then I fucken knew that they are going to pressure Hyesung to forgive his mom like nothing ever happened. And it pisses me off more because if he never got with Dojin and got to see him on tv, she was NEVER going to look for him.

    I mean this is the same selfish woman that said to Hyesung “then why didn’t you look for me too” like what? He was a fucking child and he abandoned him so you can go live an easy life and left with an abusive father!! I’m sorry like there’s no coming back from that. I wish that Fargo would for once just the realistic on some things just for once!!

    That_One_Sith December 4, 2024 7:26 pm
    Right??!! Honestly it just broke my heart when I saw that chapter that talked about his mom because from then I fucken knew that they are going to pressure Hyesung to forgive his mom like nothing ever happened.... LoverOfYaoi

    It is very sad because I see where Fargo is coming from, asian culture tends to romanticize forgiveness especially within your family even if they have been shit to you, so I understand where she's coming from, but it's not realistic and in a real world Hyesung would be devastated and forgiving his shit of a mother would only hurt him more

    He has all the right to stay mad and even more to be angry at his family for not respecting his boundaries

    But yeah, we sadly know where this is going