That's exactly it. Alex is just a bit of a mean ass in comparison, and his partner kind of barged into his life. Doc, on the other hand, is a man who has no right to refuse, is responsible for his grandmother and debts, and is helpless. And the fact that Jaekyung helped him with money does not justify violence and the behavior of a complete asshole.
Considering how much more of an asshole ML is in this story than in VJ ALEX, and how much better a guy MC is and never demanded anything from ML (again, in comparison), I'm really curious how the author will unravel this tangle so that it's beautiful and believable.
This ML doesn't look like a person who can realize anything, he just... walks around, gets mad, zero reflection.
I'm really curious where the author will take all this. For now, I can only be happy for MC that he doesn't have to tiptoe around, so that he doesn't do something wrong, and he can breathe freely.