He’s annoying at times for sure I agree, but I hope you’re not one of those readers that lack empathy and blame Hyesung for reacting the way he did to nerve wrecking situations and anxiety/fearful moments.
Sometimes people will just be annoying, and that’s that. And people will find them annoying..because it can be annoying lol.

Hyesung in the main story was 19/20, dojin is 5 years older. That's.. weird. OH! and he raped him. A few times. Also his childhood is fucked up and I could go on and on why his behaviour is totally valid and he deserves all happiness in the world.
HYESUNG PROPAGANDA, I love him so much. Ppl don't realize how much abused he was, and that's fucked up. Ily my baby boy
I literally hated the MC in the main story, I COULDN’T STAND HOW ANNOYING he was. And I have the feeling that Byul is going to be the exact same annoying character.