Hmmmm, nope, I still don't like that teacher, I don't agree with his aproach to the MC, I ...

Chibi December 3, 2024 4:04 pm

Hmmmm, nope, I still don't like that teacher, I don't agree with his aproach to the MC, I don't agree with how he's treating him, and I don't really understand chapter 39...
I mean he's basically saying there's such a wild world, don't give up on yourself and your emotions and that he should be more hopefull for the tomorrow or something... But none of that erase his fear, because he still feels like he's alone in this whole wide world... Even if right now he can make mistakes, and he won't die because of them, in the future he won't be able to make mistakes so meh, I don't really agree with how he's teaching this very confusing "lesson"...

    nameless passerby February 15, 2025 7:53 pm

    No hard feelings bro. What's so wrong telling someone to accept their pain and emotion and grow from it. He was comforted and the teacher wants mc to be positive about life because he is young and haven't seen the world yet–means there's more to the tragedy he experienced (ngl if someone said that to me I'd say "fck that just ki!l me, Im not interested to see more shii".) That's a good way to grow up–in positivity. Now that I think about it I agree with you but! I prefer mc like this who will grow up like a saint, not cruel and powerful. Kind and powerful is good. About his fears... bro positive words and outlook in life is what therapist advice to heal their depressed clients especially for kids-teenagers tho I know most teenagers don't like these positive outlook cuz of "You don't understand" feeling.

    Positivity isn't just about an experience but a mindset. just saying.