Yea, into the trash can that was in that room the lady was cleaning so she probably checked the trash can and saw it and that's why she told him it looked important and to look at it himself before throwing it out. That's what I think at least
Yea, into the trash can that was in that room the lady was cleaning so she probably checked the trash can and saw it and that's why she told him it looked important and to look at it himself before throwing it ... Zypel
Since the whole scene happened in the kitchen/dinning room Tsubaki
Okay i checked and yeah it was in the kitchen. But since the lady found the key chain in the room I assume the seme put it there after maybe he got drunk and remembered the present? Honestly it can just be mistake on authors part but ig we won't know lmao
Okay i checked and yeah it was in the kitchen. But since the lady found the key chain in the room I assume the seme put it there after maybe he got drunk and remembered the present? Honestly it can just be mist... Zypel
Ahahahahah same I checked and indeed it was in the living room. Maybe he took it back ? Or Jae did or yeah maybe it’s an author blooper but it’s so big to be Idk lol.
Okay i checked and yeah it was in the kitchen. But since the lady found the key chain in the room I assume the seme put it there after maybe he got drunk and remembered the present? Honestly it can just be mist... Zypel
Wait guys didn’t Dan throw away the gift ???