The He/She pronouns are mostly because of the English language.
In Korean there's a lot of words that do define gender tho like Oppa/Noona stuff, but particularly "He" and "She", "Him" and "Her", is just from the English translation.
Mom and Dad, Husband and Wife, Uncle and Aunt though are probably the family titles they give each other for distinction of roles rather than gender in this omegaverse.
In Love is an Illusion, Dojin was asked whether he was going to be a Dad or a Mom, and he answered he was going to be a Dad. So in their world, I assume that just meant whoever is the sperm giver's title is Dad and the birth giver's title is Mom.
At least that's what I assume, that those titles don't relate to femininity or masculinity but the roles in childbirth particularly, I think.
Like, probably in a female Alpha/female Omega situation one of them is also the husband or wife, the mom or dad, uncle or aunt too. But idk how it all works.
I understand that but ultimately if you look at it like an allegory of transgenderism it still doesnt make much sense to put that extra effort into going "mom" instead of papa or daddy (if dojin was already being called dad) cuz in this case is an alpha woman gonna be called dad still? Cuz this omegaverse setup in particular is aligning femininity with being the birthgiver but then again dojin's alpha sister has very traditional feminine features too so its weird and she even refers to her male omega as "spouse" unlike dojin who calls hyesung 'wife' . Whats with that?
Why do they always refer to hyesung or like omegas in general as ,mom or aunty i mean that person is using he him pronouns and aligns with the male gender in all other aspects so isn't it weird?