Okay hear me out. Kim Dan joins another boxing group to help another boxer. The boxer is gonna later compete with the ML and Kim Dan knows the ML and hopes to avoid him. But the ML doesn’t know he is there and BAM they run into each other. But technically that’s gonna be a while since he is hurt…. lol
Idk,but I have a feeling that jk will stalk KD from afar. This is just my theory after reading chapter 55. He cannot get Dan outta his mind and he was pissed where he get that money from,so yeah,I guessed it's stalking time for him for now. He still is in denial stage. He's like,"you think I wasn't able to move on without you"?wtf,I will forget you like I did to those men before you. Babe just look at his eye bags lol.
okay what are y’all’s theories on how they’ll meet again? i can’t really imagine a scenario where they will cross paths again… besides the coach calling Dan again but then Dan probably wouldn’t go back…..