Why would the artist cheat like that??? Guess he/she didn't like the idea of these ugly looking fat man in his 40's or 50's with big belly hanging out which are common to other manhwa's... So they woke up and decided to make it hot and make us readers confuse whether to like him or not... totally not complaining though
Lol! I'm saying that when I'm reading the novel my mind just goes to this older man that doesn't look good. I'm not saying that's how the novel described him. The war profiteer was described to have a belly. I remember the other regas was with him saying how much he looked like a pig and smelt and stuff.
I hate him to the bone yet whenever he shows up, he be looking fresh as fuck... it's insane how I find it hot, it's disgusting to think that even though I tell myself I hate him my other self would do the opposite... gawd, I'm a freaking joke...