
Iheartlitc December 3, 2024 3:22 am

It makes me so mad that Keith can't grasp the concept of Yeonwoo losing his memory. The doctor literally warned him that rushing Yeonwoo and forcing his memories back on him would be harmful towards Yeonwoo and Keith's first idea was to start bringing Yeonwoo to familiar places. I can understand how this upsets Keith to an extent, if I were him I would be devastated that my wife and mother to my child had no recollection of marrying me or my child, but the way he's handling the overall situation makes me so frustrated. It feels like he hasn't even stopped to think how confusing and strange it's been for Yeonwoo. Imagine waking up one day, and the first thing you see is your boss who has openly expressed his discontent in sleeping with men (you) many times, and he just happens to be your husband and you have a kid with him? like holy fuck I'd probably go insane. Also Keiths random outbursts of rage when Yeonwoo is gagged by the idea of being married to Keith, when the same Keith 40 chapters ago would've exploded at the mere notion of being in a relationship with Yeonwoo is so diabolical that I can't even believe that he's actually mad. His outburst in this chapter has to be one of the worst too. I can definitely understand how Yeonwoo would've came to the conclusion that Keith is still sleeping around despite being married to him. Infact, it's probably more normal than Yeonwoo just accepting the fact and the whole ordeal. Then Keith is like "wtf why can't you understand that we're married omfg" but it's probably really hard to just adapt to this new life style of not cleaning up after your bosses affairs everyday and actually living a normal life with him. Mind you this is a life style that Yeonwoo spent years adjusting to so for him to make that jump from "secretary that picks up after his boss" to "loving husband with child who lives luxurious life" is kinda insane. Anyways I hate Keith bye :Y

    itsthles December 6, 2024 6:34 am

    I loved the part "anyway I hate Keith, bye" ahahahah

    fudanshi December 26, 2024 4:58 pm

    this essay would easily win you the nobel prize for literature ngl