Pls dont grow up tsubaki ☺

Constellation Mad Plotter December 3, 2024 1:09 am

Pls dont grow up tsubaki

    Yolo December 3, 2024 6:35 pm

    That'd be hella weird ngl

    Constellation Mad Plotter December 3, 2024 11:42 pm
    That'd be hella weird ngl Yolo

    Well I love shota

    Yolo December 4, 2024 12:49 am
    Well I love shota Constellation Mad Plotter

    Let's call them idk cute kids , shota nowadays has such a weird undertone
    Hope you're not a dangerous adult for kids bro

    Itiswhatitis December 4, 2024 3:48 am
    Let's call them idk cute kids , shota nowadays has such a weird undertoneHope you're not a dangerous adult for kids bro Yolo

    It's not cute it's called "shotacon" and search about it and you will know how wrong this is but no use explaining this to mentally deranged hoes like the OP so i advise you to just ignore or cuss them bitches like i do XD

    Constellation Mad Plotter December 4, 2024 4:03 am
    Let's call them idk cute kids , shota nowadays has such a weird undertoneHope you're not a dangerous adult for kids bro Yolo

    Idk what u mean.. Shota is a term used on fictional characters only. I've never like kids irl, they're disgusting and annoying

    Constellation Mad Plotter December 4, 2024 4:05 am

    U guys are the weird one, treating fictional characters like a real person

    Itiswhatitis December 4, 2024 4:21 am
    U guys are the weird one, treating fictional characters like a real person Constellation Mad Plotter

    I hate this "i can like whatever i want because it's fiction" bs i bet you must love those guys who enjoys watching child porn hentai cause it's fiction,and if everything would be ok in fiction then the child porn wouldn't get banned in the first place shithead get help

    Itiswhatitis December 4, 2024 4:22 am
    Idk what u mean.. Shota is a term used on fictional characters only. I've never like kids irl, they're disgusting and annoying Constellation Mad Plotter

    You don't like kids ,what you love is a weird relationship between an adult and a kid which is even more disgusting and weird

    Constellation Mad Plotter December 4, 2024 4:34 am
    I hate this "i can like whatever i want because it's fiction" bs i bet you must love those guys who enjoys watching child porn hentai cause it's fiction,and if everything would be ok in fiction then the child p... Itiswhatitis

    Lol u're so delusional and judgemental, assuming people however u like sure feels good huh? Feel like u're better person than others?

    First of all I've never read or watch manga with an adult that love child porn, I dont even know they're exist.

    I love age gap relationship yes, they're cute and have good chemistry like this one. I dont like the smut, rape, etc with shota in it. Shota are cute and precious, they must be protected at all cost

    Constellation Mad Plotter December 4, 2024 4:39 am
    I hate this "i can like whatever i want because it's fiction" bs i bet you must love those guys who enjoys watching child porn hentai cause it's fiction,and if everything would be ok in fiction then the child p... Itiswhatitis

    Why I want tsubaki being forever shota? Because I love their current relationship where Tsubaki just having his first puppy love and Yuu just getting flustered everytime.

    I dont want tsubaki became adult because in this kind of story after they're dating usually they'll just fuck, and fuck, and more fuck... Thats it. No fluff. No plot or whatever, its boring

    Yolo December 4, 2024 7:12 am
    U guys are the weird one, treating fictional characters like a real person Constellation Mad Plotter

    Nah you're the weird one for hiding behind the fact that it's fictional , if a fictional character is a r*per, touches kids or says stuff that are racist AND YOU LIKE IT , maybe think twice about ever becoming a responsible adult honestly ! Anyways

    Constellation Mad Plotter December 4, 2024 7:17 am
    Nah you're the weird one for hiding behind the fact that it's fictional , if a fictional character is a r*per, touches kids or says stuff that are racist AND YOU LIKE IT , maybe think twice about ever becoming ... Yolo

    ???? U can't read?

    Yolo December 4, 2024 7:22 am
    ???? U can't read? Constellation Mad Plotter

    Not connais bother anymore yeah lmao

    Constellation Mad Plotter December 4, 2024 7:29 am
    Not connais bother anymore yeah lmao Yolo

    I dont understand what u're talking about. There's no rapist in this story, no racist remark either, thats why I ask u that

    Yolo December 4, 2024 7:56 am
    I dont understand what u're talking about. There's no rapist in this story, no racist remark either, thats why I ask u that Constellation Mad Plotter

    Liking children (shotas if you want bruuuhh) ain't cute ,don't bother answering now I won't read it ♡