Guess that i am..... I hate his dad bcz he is raxxst and also I can't forget him nor his that frnd nor his family.... Dad bcz he did forced himself... Friend bcz he thinks just bcz his frnd is rich he doesn't deserve him cuz he is annoying, poor and most of all not a dominant omega and in one way he is the reason bcz of whom he turned his way from seeing Byul, like just bcz your frnd is rich, handsome and seeked by all doesn't mean all people will seek him.,,, and on one way he mixed his situation of being poor and how he couldn't be with his frnd's older bro..... Third, the family bcz in one of the episode they said this, " If it's about being bonded, then they would've found him anywhere in the world"....when they came to know that uke was trying to run away..... Like they r literally proud for not using physical force upon their omegas like others...... And it can't be forgotten that they all put his mom's emotions to the gutter at one point....... And it is a situation where all is good if the ending is good even if its a forced one..... They could've had a different arc .... It's just missing something..... I also found him irritating when I first read this story.... But, when I re read it after a yr as nostalgia...... Forget abt my nostalgia, it just gives me a bitter taste.... Ooff I guess, I said too much....

Byul was the product of grape, u could argue that the Hyesung was in heat at that moment and Dojin "couldn't" help it, still doesn't make it consensual. ya'll just see Dojin with rose-tinted lens coz the story's romance and the uke did eventually end up loving the seme so all's good, if it was more realistic or psychological you'll understand why Hyesung's actions made sense considering what he went through.

Except this can never be realistic or whatever bc check notes, this is- FICTION. You keep on yapping about all this when it should have been meant for entertainment Lol Clearly, this work is NOT for you. Read some real life manhwa/manga or watch documentaries instead of getting mad over some DRAWINGS.

lol who said it has to be realistic, it already isn't and will continue to be that way. Ya just can't accept the fact that you're siding with a grapist while slandering the victim by justifying the action as "just fiction". I read messed up plots too, matter of fact, I like reading messed up stories because it's usually intense and can pull the strongest emotions out of me, but no matter how good the story gets, never will I see those actions as a-okay or fine just coz everything's just ink and paper.

Since when did I ever side with ANYONE??? YOU were the one making essays here on why you hate Dojin and siding with Hyesung all the time while neglecting the fact that both of them have done WRONG as well to each other and to Byul. We can never argue what Dojin did to Hyesung but does it absolve Hyesung of everything he did in this story? For you maybe, you are his FAN after all. If you can condemn what Dojin did, so should you be with Hyesung. He's not some weak willed charac, hes dumb but strong so STOP portraying him like hes some innocent victim who doesnt know how to decide for himself. He left once?twice? remember? If he really want to, he can do it but he chose NOT to. End of story. Accept the fact that this family is NOT perfect but they love and care for each other. Something your family probably isnt thats why youre projecting Lol Again, instead of putting words in my mouth, reflect on why are so worked up over some FICTION.

LMAO now who's backpeddling now? and if you think these amount of words is already an essay, I feel real sorry for your poor underutilized brain. You were the one who said OP is an idiot like Hyesung just coz they don't like the seme and then you pointed out his flaw of leaving Byul when OP just laid out the possibility of the uke having the same character as MC here if only he had a loving family, clearly you have aversion to him, I'd have agreed with you if he wanted to leave the kid coz he was a POS like his mom, but he had a good reason for that, one that you failed to mention before calling out his action as idiotic. Fr, if being fiction is just your justificiation for everything, does it even matter if he wanted to leave Byul multiple times? it's fiction after all, it doesn't have to be realistic why get mad at it or find that action as something idiotic or worth resenting if the kid finds out, why even refer back to it when doesn't matter anyway to what's currently happening to the story.

Did u just called me an idiot,... Girl, go get a life before calling someone an idiot over a fiction first.... And we do know that it is a fiction.... But, just bcz we have more clearance towards the reaction of an action.... Doesn't mean that we don't know that it is a work of action.... In fact, your way of pointing this shows that you r the type to not accept other people's ideals..... And again stop commenting towards other people's families over a simple debate of having other views..... I have a very loving family but if I didn't???.... Do u realize how u would've hurted me?????.... And by mixing families into this, u just proved yourself that some people's families r fucxed up and how some parents don't deserve a child at all...... Hence, this scenario is very common in real life.... So, please kindly u tell me... How can u justify an action right for just bcz it's a fiction where u yourself know it is wrong in reality..... And what if we stop pointing this action in the fear of being called idiots where and adolescent girl/boy gonna read same type of story and gonna think that it is a norm.....!?
So-so-sooooo glad that he is like his mom...... Cuz in the spoiler I had other views abt him.... Thank goodness he isn't like his dad at all......