this may be completely off topic but i think the greatest flaw about the manga adaptation ...

c0ckd3stroy3r December 2, 2024 8:20 am

this may be completely off topic but i think the greatest flaw about the manga adaptation is the way it skims through all of the plot. reading the novel gives so much more depth and complication you can actually start to understand the feelings of all the characters. with the manga it is very surface level. i especially think it was regretful to sum up chika’s traumatic experience as a sex slave in like five panels of the first chapter. in the novel, after buying and observing chika’s body, gale realizes his anus is torn because he was raped by a beast man in their beast form. that is utterly terrifying. not to mention when chika first arrived, he was GANGRAPED by three men as a virgin. i will admit, it is a little weird the author regressed his age. personally i would’ve loved to see 40 yr old chika’s love with gale and douglas! old men romance rise!!!! that’s the only thing i wont defend. maybe in the future, if there’s ever a readaptation, i wish they could truly explore the manga the way the novel was written although i highly doubt it.

    Nimhun December 2, 2024 3:50 pm

    Do you have the link to the novel?

    chimmy December 2, 2024 9:11 pm

    Sadly that's the case with the majority of adapted stories from novels. The novel will almost always be better with how much depth it gives :((