Same here! Although for me my family's religion doesn't advocate against homosexuality, our culture does and my parents in particular are very loud about their homophobia, even saying that LGBTQ+ people don't deserve to live. I was quite depressed about this, initially, but I've accepted that we'll never see eye to eye. It really makes you wonder if you know the people closest to you if they can say such things on the regular without thinking. Hope everything goes well for you, and even if it doesn't, know that there's always people out there who will love you for who you are without hiding yourself!
I've never personally seen my parents say anything about LGBTQ+ community and it must also be because my country is really conservative to have conversation around these topics. So i have no idea how they feel about it in a personal level. And thank you for your kind words stranger I hope that you will also be surrounded by people who love you for who you are even if things with your family don't go as planned
I'm not Christian but my religion also sees homosexuality poorly. I've never been religious but my parents are, so seeing the parents accept Geon made me cry fr. I can only wish that when the time comes, my parents will also accept it and love their daughter just as they did before.