
No offence but you kinda exaggerating now this "new" look on Mitsuki's face is part of her true personality, she always looked less soft in her natural habitat aka music shop, whenever she had to wear this skirt uniform to school it always looked bad on her because she wasn't feeling comfortable like at all. She wasn't and isn't and I bet she never was meant to be a extra feminine, and it's totally okay, that's what she wants. Her current outfits speaks volumes, her features greatly go along with them, author does a good job
I've noticed (for a while now) that the author has been drawing Mitsuki differently... Like her nose, eyes and overall shape of her face, it looks less soft and round, more sharp... Idk I'm not a fan, maybe the author it's trying to convey Mitsuki's change (being more comfortable in the style of clothes she likes at school) but does Mitsuki appearance have to change for that? A girl with soft features can't dress in that style?