it's a good read, but it's also nothing special. it has a cliche plot, but the characters, their relationships and the pacing are overall pretty alright. solid 6/10 for me, def mid when it comes to the genre but its a quick read I do recommend it.
i only read it bc ppl were saying it was amazing and, while I wasn't exactly disappointed, it was more... basic? than I expected. it had all the typical tropes and everything, and the characters weren't brilliant or anything, but the world building was good and it was enjoyable enough. so yeah, id say it's worth your time, especially bc it rlly doesn't take that long to finish it hahaha
Read it very long back so just based on that
Starts off pretty good, the characters are pretty likeable and it's good seeing the mc get upgrades and powers but towards the end, it becomes a bit of mess with him being super op and the timeline thingy, also the romance just isn't good, there seems to be no development, just straight up the end. Also i really don't remember any other characters so I'm guessing there's no memorable secondary characters except the mcs army themselves
Y'all is Solo Leveling actually good? Is it worth my time? Give me ur opinions