watching kids grow up and teaching them basic things (even tho that kid is not really a child and not really a human) and then a twist of fate had you married in the future doesnt in any way is similar to emotional gaslighting and lots and lots of manipulation and abuse in a grooming scenario. grooming is a serious real life issue, it just doesnt happen to every couple who met when one is a child. there's a power imbalance, also as i said there's gotta be lots of manipulation, lying, isolation, there's also a history with the adult grooming the child. i dont think anything in the story that tells me the mc is a groomer, he just genuinely treated the dragon as a companion, when he was a kid he thought of him as kid he should care for without malice, he never in any way thought of him as marriage prospect when he was a child, he doesnt have a history of being a sicko, pedo or sexually attracted to young people. he wanted to get away with his obsessive brother and it just so happens that the dragon who took the form of a kid is the only person left in that village, theyre literally the only creature there. he doesnt see the child and immediately thought, "he's attractive and he's vulnerable right now so i should take advantage of it, manipulate him into thinking this whole deal with us is normal and isolate him to the world and ravage him", there's absolutely no line like this in the whole story. i get it, y'all see a couple that met as an adult and a kid and immediately your brain goes in that direction, you might wanna check yourself first. if you have time to analyze the morality of a fictional story maybe you have time to actually do a real life effort to advocate for child abuse and women's right, block and boycott rapist celebs and actual real life groomers and pedos. thank you
Can you just accept that this plot point makes readers uncomfortable instead of shaming people? The excuses are so unnecessary, "It's not REAL grooming" well it's actually just weird.
this is for you cabbagepanda, cuz it seems like you blocked me which is so funny
why? are you ashamed? if being called out makes you shameful instead of accepting the fact that you can change your opinion on things becuz youre a human being capable of learning, i dont know what to say to you.
and im not shaming people, im trying to educate them. read all the comments again to see who's really shaming people. people's perception of weird are different, what you see as weird may seem not really weird to others, so saying that as a matter of fact is wrong
watching kids grow up and teaching them basic things (even tho that kid is not really a child and not really a human) and then a twist of fate had you married in the future doesnt in any way is similar to emotional gaslighting and lots and lots of manipulation and abuse in a grooming scenario. grooming is a serious real life issue, it just doesnt happen to every couple who met when one is a child. there's a power imbalance, also as i said there's gotta be lots of manipulation, lying, isolation, there's also a history with the adult grooming the child. i dont think anything in the story that tells me the mc is a groomer, he just genuinely treated the dragon as a companion, when he was a kid he thought of him as kid he should care for without malice, he never in any way thought of him as marriage prospect when he was a child, he doesnt have a history of being a sicko, pedo or sexually attracted to young people. he wanted to get away with his obsessive brother and it just so happens that the dragon who took the form of a kid is the only person left in that village, theyre literally the only creature there. he doesnt see the child and immediately thought, "he's attractive and he's vulnerable right now so i should take advantage of it, manipulate him into thinking this whole deal with us is normal and isolate him to the world and ravage him", there's absolutely no line like this in the whole story. i get it, y'all see a couple that met as an adult and a kid and immediately your brain goes in that direction, you might wanna check yourself first. if you have time to analyze the morality of a fictional story maybe you have time to actually do a real life effort to advocate for child abuse and women's right, block and boycott rapist celebs and actual real life groomers and pedos. thank you