ML is so dumb

RIP MangaRock December 1, 2024 3:42 am

Loved this story and love HER the most but omfg the ml kept pissing me off bruh like use your brain why would you keep trying to kill people connected to her and no one else in such a short timeframe?? obviously people would suspect her?? and the insane assumptions he makes?? why is his first thought to kill??? He's so dumb and the fl is so clever in comparison (except for her blind trust in ml) it just PISSED ME OFFFF

    Mie January 2, 2025 1:12 pm

    It's probably bc of his past. Bro was out there killing 100 of soldiers daily at such a young age so his first instinct was to kill to protect his Loved one.

    Bittersweet Lemon February 23, 2025 1:09 pm

    Yeah kinda like that but I smell the ML was kinda like a yandare(⌐■-■)

    My thoughts exactly like this.

    Exiles alone
    Exiles with the ML