What is incomprehensible is that you hate one of the main characters. Then I suppose that you guys don't want him to end up with Dan, if so... I wonder why you continue to read this content when THAT is the purpose of the story. In your opinion, who the person that hurt Dan the most? Jjk or the loan sharks ? Stop redirecting your anger/hate toward the wrong character just coz you see him often of the screen.
I don't see what's so incomprehensible about it. I want to see a bad person suffer, then to see him get a redemption arc after he gets what's coming to him for being a horrible person to Dan. I'm not waiting for him to become a green flag or anything, just someone ok for Dan to be with (it's what happened in BJ Alex, and my girl M1ngwa delivered on that). As for why I continue to read it: I know I'll enjoy seeing his suffering + redemption arc. I like potato and hot actor together. I want to see Dan happy and safe in the end with Jaekyung (because I know it'll happen), trusting that M1ngwa will do a great job at it, because she's a great author.
Also to question "who hurt Dan more? His love interest or actual criminals?" as a sort of "gotcha" is insane, why should we compare the two? Because they both suck ass?
What you people need to understand is that I can enjoy reading something BECAUSE i hate one of the characters. I love hating jaekyung. I thrive on the thought of his suffering arc for the next few months. And I'm pretty sure that's how most of the fandom is like. At least I want to believe that there aren't that many people reading this manhwa and thinking jaekyung is a nice person... if you think he's nice you need therapy