I think he was abused himself, if you think of it like that the 3 were abused duke by his family duchess by the count family and Clarice by her birth family, even the little magician and 2nd prince are abused so after that its just a norm in this novel/manwha . ( not that approve of it). But in some ways the duke was so used to that and the rules were engraved in his brain hr cant go directly against them....

Do u remember what chapters his backstory was in? I can guess he was neglected and probably had sick expectations towards him, but as a victim of something shouldn’t u be even more sensitive to the same thing happening to the other person? I know how also circle of abuse works, but idk. Still, even if there’s a reason I just can’t get over it
I feel so so sorry for FL, she's a BABY! Yet she's running around making blood pacts and swearing her life away it breaks my heart its so different to other historical manwha because she's a real child and never regressed