honestly i feel like chan il shouldn't be concerned with it since they were friends but he just found out and they were never like best buddies... maybe ri in, but then again she really isn't close with him now after finding out that he set them up with an ulterior motive... maybe she should've done something before but i don't know how that would interfere with your opinion on their relationship
I dislike seeing chan IL and ri in as a couple. I can't stomach seeing them be all lovey dovey (I think bc nothing bad has happened to either one of them— that's why they aren't 'toxic') bc at the same time, cirrus and Skylar are traumatized and suffering.
I also don't really like how ri-in and chan-il don't seem to be that disturbed by how messed up cirrus' life is (especially ri-in when considering she knows all the details) and how he's disappeared and is probably suffering. I'm not saying they have to, but I just don't like when they get screentime because I think about this a lot.