First of all, being a virgin is a completely different case, and even in that case, the assault may lead to involuntary arousal as the body's response to protect you from internal damage. Second of all, it's been proven on studies that many victims may get involuntary arousal during the sexual assault as an automatic body response. Do your research before you comment, it doesn't take long. Yes, in some cases you can be dry(perhaps only at the start, perhaps during the whole assault, it depends on a lot of factors), in others you may not be and you may even involuntarily orgasm. The body may automatically get wet, be it at the start of the assault or not. Yes, this happens in real life but once again, has nothing to do with the victim's consent.

And, i also never stated that this will not be 'painful'. Arousal doesn't mean you have to feel good and orgasm doesn't always feel good either, it's a bodily reaction that can be automatic as means for the body to protect you. I can link you a study if you'd like, or you could ask a doctor who knows about the functions of the human body.

And to this let me add that the body getting involuntarily aroused during sexual assault, has nothing to do with whether you're 'into pain' or not, the response is physiological and automatic. Even if the act (the pain) doesn't mentally stimulate them, victims often get the arousal (wet) response to the insertion without it being their will. The response does not mean consent nor enjoyment.

This is a disrespectful and uneducated comment. Also that's not how virgins work the hymen is merely just a layer of skin, covering the entrance of the vagina. It has nothing to do with the tightness itself, especially bc it's gone the moment u penetrate it. A person who rarely has sex or a person who often has sex, could be if not, even tighter than a virgin. And do u know why? Bc every vagina is different and it comes in different sizes. It has nothing to do with how many men u have slept with or if u r a virgin.
YOU'RE AWFULLY TIGHT" sir it's almost like she's not into it also calling her a whole because u raped her is diabolical