Just as I said...

Iryz November 30, 2024 5:04 pm

See???? Just as I said it, the seme enters in a triumphant display of masculinity, and now they're fighting? And the other dude is crazy and acting like a fully villain. Like, come on!! I liked this author because she managed things differently, she builds the plot, she has fresh ideas and they don't go with that stupid korean drama trend. All their drama is the same, and now this story has fallen there too. First of all this dude, the brown haired one, was so extremely unnecessary: third weels, love triangles, love antagonists, or however you want to call them, are so bad handled almost every time, practically everyone missuses them and always turn them into this evil-needed to be hated-plot driver demon. It's tiresome. Director's idea of "you'll meet new people", could have been tackled differently, he could have learned his lesson in many other ways, but no, here we are stuck with cheap plot. ( ̄へ ̄)

    InvoluntarilyConscious November 30, 2024 7:23 pm

    I don't think it's all that bad but I definitely agree that this is a far cry from the first season, which was so fresh it became an instant classic/favorite
    it's not the worst, but considering what it's following up on, it fell way short

    Kiki November 30, 2024 10:31 pm

    Have to agree. More writers should end things with the original run.

    Iryz December 1, 2024 3:58 pm
    I don't think it's all that bad but I definitely agree that this is a far cry from the first season, which was so fresh it became an instant classic/favoriteit's not the worst, but considering what it's followi... InvoluntarilyConscious

    Indeed it's not all bad, but to be honest, for me at least, everything related to the brown haired guy was entirely unnecessary. I insist the story could have been worked differently :/ but well... *shrugs*

    Iryz December 1, 2024 4:01 pm
    Have to agree. More writers should end things with the original run. Kiki

    More than that, I feel that writers whom don't have anything else to say about their story shouldn't let themselves be pressured by popularity to extend a story that was finished. There are stories that do give a lot more after the main story has been finished, but each author needs to know and be realistic if their story is like that or not.