REVIEW: Disappointed

ReviewRaptor November 30, 2024 4:46 pm

I'm honestly disappointed this did not get a longer format. The story would have HEAVILY benefitted from being around twice as long or slightly more, to make room for emphasizing emotions, change of feelings and much more.
Because with such a short format it felt entirely random that the MC was suddenly, supposedly in love with the incubus since there was no real emphasis on the change from annoyance paired with convenience to him actually liking him, missing him and clearly being in love. It COULD be that it was simply done badly in the comic since they could have really used more panels of him showing more than just a blank face, annoyance or horniness, like making him blush or smile at some things more to visualize the change of emotions. But even then the time this was given is too short. The story needs more chapters with all the details it DOES have to it, but 10 chapters was not nearly long enough to make everything work. That's why it felt so rushed, random and amateurish in many ways.
BUT! The story itself is amazingly beautiful. It has room for lots of improvement and you could easily make a long format comic with it. The characters are not just pretty but also lovable. Their relationship is not just horny-fodder but also sweet, hilarious, emotional on all fronts and most importantly; interesting. The plot itself is a great idea and I would honestly read this base plot a hundred times from different authors just to see each one's take and spin on it all. Or different character dynamics here and there.

Even if the story is too short for it's own good, it IS worth reading. And I hope we'll see more plots like this and more stories from this author. They have a great idea on plots, just the timeframe given to let it play out needs to be adjusted. (Since I believe this would have thrown itself into my forever top 10 if it had taken it's time to emphasize emotions more and give time to show them developing feelings clearly.)

It's not perfect because it's so terribly rushed, but the plot itself is great and I would recommend reading it. It's really a lovely baseplot this story is working with. :)
