If you watch delicos nursery, you can actually see baby Sophie when his village got burnt down. The reason why Sophies village got burnt down is because of krauss/klaus, a person from the village begged for eternal life and I assume krauss got annoyed because of people begging for immortality(and I assume majority of it are dhampirs) and made the people in nebula village kill their own people (nebula village is where Sophie was born, the village consists of dhampirs). 3 only survived after that incident happened. Those three happened to be Sophie, banri, and a guy named julas(?), you'll find more information about julas in delicos nursery
If you watch delicos nursery, you can actually see baby Sophie when his village got burnt down. The reason why Sophies village got burnt down is because of krauss/klaus, a person from the village begged for eternal life and I assume krauss got annoyed because of people begging for immortality(and I assume majority of it are dhampirs) and made the people in nebula village kill their own people (nebula village is where Sophie was born, the village consists of dhampirs). 3 only survived after that incident happened. Those three happened to be Sophie, banri, and a guy named julas(?), you'll find more information about julas in delicos nursery