i love toxic bl as much as the next gal but there comes a point where its just depressing LMAOO. i enjoy cruel power hungry assholes but its not fun when the victim has no way to fight back at all. watching them suvk it up and push down their own personality to all become the same scruffy doormats stained by semes shit becomes SOOO boring past the first time. plus the pity i feel outweighs fhe smut power.
anyways in the same way i couldve just ignored the webtoon u could also ignore me dummy. start practising what u preach !!!
sorry ivan i love u babe but the other user restricted replies
bro what is up with authors placing their ukes under the most tormenting situations known to mankind PAIRED with an evil bastard seme only maling their life sadder??? the arts cute as hell but stop churning out this sad torture porn !!!