I want to know the dad's side of the story. I feel like there's more to this "neglect" the...

Kadie November 29, 2024 1:09 pm

I want to know the dad's side of the story. I feel like there's more to this "neglect" theme. The father definitely gives the vibe of a doting father who just couldn't express himself properly or be there physically (the reason behind that is what I want to know). Also, I get the son's anger (and he has every right to be angry based on the story so far), but taking that out on someone who has nothing to do with it is something I'll never get.

Based on the son's actions so far, he definitely needed this. He needs to fix his attitude and learn that every action has it's own consequences. I don't care whether he forgives his father or not but he needs to fix that attitude of his - "my father abandoned me" is not an excuse to be that badly behaved.

    mae December 9, 2024 5:47 am

    maybe you’re not educated enough about the importance of an individual’s PRIMARY socialisation as well as how fucking stupid it is to say that isolating the son you neglected is a good punishment as if the mc didn’t do all that to get attention from his father, are you fucking stupid lol?

    Kadie December 9, 2024 5:57 am
    maybe you’re not educated enough about the importance of an individual’s PRIMARY socialisation as well as how fucking stupid it is to say that isolating the son you neglected is a good punishment as if the ... mae

    Next time read to understand instead of reading to type nonsense.

    LalalaIcanthearyou December 9, 2024 6:34 am
    Next time read to understand instead of reading to type nonsense. Kadie

    It feels like there is a lot of blame being placed on the MC in the og comment, including references to "needing" this.

    Just being very real based off the last chapter (not the current one, since that's not what your comment is based off of), it seems deeper than we know so far.

    It has to be hard to see someone idolize his absentee father, and tell him that he owes respect to a father that has yet to show him love, respect, or true kindness (that we're aware of). He got frustrated and snapped back because he is human. He also instantly knew he crossed a line.

    A person who *needs* this kind of intervention doesn't have those reasoning skills, self-sufficiency skills, or inherent kindness. Sure, he was promiscuous, which is his effing business. Sounds like that apple didn't fall far from the tree. Yet, his dad sends him into isolation not because he's worried about his son's mental health or sexual promiscuity but because his son's life might damage his reputation as an actor.

    All of that to say, it was never about doing what his son needed.

    We know that and the MC knows it too.

    Kadie December 9, 2024 10:25 pm
    It feels like there is a lot of blame being placed on the MC in the og comment, including references to "needing" this.Just being very real based off the last chapter (not the current one, since that's not what... LalalaIcanthearyou

    Like I said, his anger is valid. He has every right to be angry and react that way to his father (based on the story so far). I am not defending his dad, I am just saying there seems to be more to the neglect theme (that's what I want to know). I don't care if his son forgives him when that time comes, he can choose not to - because the fact still remains that he hurt his son. I just want to know the reason behind his actions.

    My issue with the son in my initial comment, was him taking his anger out on someone else and even insinuating his father might have had an affair with his worker. I still maintain my point that he needed this to fix his attitude - this was a consequence of his action and he needed to learn that for every action, there's a corresponding consequence. Based on the recent chapter update, sending him to the countryside seems to be working..... That's the point I was trying to make in my initial comment.

    ELLE December 18, 2024 7:26 pm
    Like I said, his anger is valid. He has every right to be angry and react that way to his father (based on the story so far). I am not defending his dad, I am just saying there seems to be more to the neglect t... Kadie

    But he didn't send his son to have some reflections about his actions tho. He sent him there to save his reputation since the video that went viral includes the mc and people start to notice that he looks like the dad. That part was the dad doesn't like since no one knows he has a child nor he is an omega. Well, I guess he's hitting two birds with one stone with that decision to send his son there

    Kadie December 18, 2024 8:57 pm
    But he didn't send his son to have some reflections about his actions tho. He sent him there to save his reputation since the video that went viral includes the mc and people start to notice that he looks like ... ELLE

    I never said he sent his son their for reflection. What I said was the decision he took was a much needed one, the son needed this line of action to help him work on his attitude. At the very least, it should help him understand that every action has its consequences.

    Octavia34 December 24, 2024 4:50 pm
    I never said he sent his son their for reflection. What I said was the decision he took was a much needed one, the son needed this line of action to help him work on his attitude. At the very least, it should h... Kadie

    No, what the son needed was a father (only parent) who didn't act ashamed of him his entire life. Who was there and present and taught him proper socializing and real world skills. His father didn't do any of that. His solution to hai problem son is just a higher degree of the neglect he has always shown his son.
    Honestly, I'd be a lot more resentful if I was in the MC's position and much more volatile with anger and frustration.

    Kadie December 24, 2024 5:21 pm
    No, what the son needed was a father (only parent) who didn't act ashamed of him his entire life. Who was there and present and taught him proper socializing and real world skills. His father didn't do any of t... Octavia34

    I don't have any issues with him being resentful, angry and frustrated towards his dad (like I said, he has every right to be).....My issue is him doing transfer of aggression on someone else.