this is probably a stupid question but why do u add the nim when the creator is japanese picklesbois
Like a boy is kun, a girl is chan (or can be kun too), others are san, teachers are sensei, those who makes intellectual things are nim or something like that
Like a boy is kun, a girl is chan (or can be kun too), others are san, teachers are sensei, those who makes intellectual things are nim or something like that Tomosen
i was under the impression that nim was used in korean media ik it’s a type of honorific
I dont know what youre upset about, i meant that japan uses nim for sure, but i dont know if other countries use it too. Not that only japan uses it Tomosen
nobody's upset you're just wrong lol nim is Korean not Japanese
nobody's upset you're just wrong lol nim is Korean not Japanese Ritsu
Have you ever heard of words assimilating? Does it ring a bell? #-.-)
If they use it in their way, its theirs. Not that it doesnt matter where is it originated… but try to say this to any black man in the states. Their ancestors were in another continent, but as they were born and raised there, they arent the same as their ancestors. Assimilating. In my language there is more words like this than what i can count, and no, english words came in only in the last hundread of year or so. We have words that has assimilated in the 15th century, from the 17th century, and so on. Grow up
…Have you ever heard of words assimilating? Does it ring a bell? #-.-)If they use it in their way, its theirs. Not that it doesnt matter where is it originated… but try to say this to any black man in t... Tomosen
me when i bring info outta my ass to prove a point instead of just admitting that I'm wrong and googling the actual answer
Oh, then my entire country is wrong, including every professor in this field :) Tomosen
professors in the field of talking out of their asses? it's okay to be wrong you don't have to do mental gymnastics and keep embarrassing yourself nim is not a word that exists in the japanese language nim is equivalent to sama in japanese it's 100% a korean honorific also ppl don't usually call authors ...-sama they say ...-sensei
professors in the field of talking out of their asses?it's okay to be wrong you don't have to do mental gymnastics and keep embarrassing yourself nim is not a word that exists in the japanese language nim is eq... Marziaʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
…Have you ever heard of words assimilating? Does it ring a bell? #-.-)If they use it in their way, its theirs. Not that it doesnt matter where is it originated… but try to say this to any black man in t... Tomosen
Funny but also low-key racist how you bring up black people in the states but not the white men who enslaved them, killed native Americans and whom ancestors are also from another continent lol also kinda f*** up to talk about assimilation when it was slavery. You're the one who should grow up and learn more.
And yeah, -nim is korean. -sensei is for a teacher, a doctor, an author in Japanese. If you don't know or are not sure about something, you can just say nothing.
Btw no shade to muichi *chu* use whatever you want, most people will understand and the rest will use Google (except Tomosen apparently)
thank you for my life author-nim