Why is no one talking about red heads over touchiness 💀shit makes me uncomfortable

Zombiegirl November 29, 2024 2:01 am

Why is no one talking about red heads over touchiness shit makes me uncomfortable

    Meow November 29, 2024 4:09 am


    Yoosungisbae November 29, 2024 8:41 pm

    I mean some people are just naturally more touchy with their friends if the blue haired guy doesn’t have any problem with it then I think it’s fine

    Meow November 29, 2024 9:54 pm
    I mean some people are just naturally more touchy with their friends if the blue haired guy doesn’t have any problem with it then I think it’s fine Yoosungisbae

    Idk abt u but friends don’t touch ur hip like that .Atleast mine sure don’t!

    Zombiegirl November 30, 2024 12:46 am
    I mean some people are just naturally more touchy with their friends if the blue haired guy doesn’t have any problem with it then I think it’s fine Yoosungisbae

    Im someone who’s love language is physical touch but your not gonna see me grip my friends waist naturally like that. And both theses men like…men so it is kinda weird for him to touch him like that and for blue hair to let himself get griped like someone lover when he’s already dating someone yk.

    Yoosungisbae November 30, 2024 3:01 am
    Im someone who’s love language is physical touch but your not gonna see me grip my friends waist naturally like that. And both theses men like…men so it is kinda weird for him to touch him like that and fo... Zombiegirl

    Men in Korea are way more comfortable with being touchy with each other without it meaning anything- women do it too so it’s okay for men as well. Every single person has their own comfortability so just cause you don’t personally don’t it doesn’t mean it’s weird? If the blue hair guy is okay with it then it’s fine

    Yoosungisbae November 30, 2024 3:03 am
    Idk abt u but friends don’t touch ur hip like that .Atleast mine sure don’t! Meow

    I’m just saying that everyone is different and if no one is uncomfortable with it like the characters in the manhwa then it’s fine- no one is really talking about it cause it was supposed to be passed off as a random friend interaction..nothing more just cause you and your friends don’t do something doesn’t mean what others do is weird

    Meow November 30, 2024 6:11 am
    I’m just saying that everyone is different and if no one is uncomfortable with it like the characters in the manhwa then it’s fine- no one is really talking about it cause it was supposed to be passed off a... Yoosungisbae

    Yeah I get it but he also has a bf so I don’t knowwww

    Zombiegirl December 19, 2024 6:42 pm
    Men in Korea are way more comfortable with being touchy with each other without it meaning anything- women do it too so it’s okay for men as well. Every single person has their own comfortability so just caus... Yoosungisbae

    Turns out it wasn’t friendliness. Mother fucker had a whole ass crush. I knew it was more intimate than friendship