I don’t think Puni is trans tho, hence using the term cause he doesn’t gaf.
And I get what you’re trying to explain but based on what you said, it technically fits with how he used it. He won a crossdressing competition, which the whole point of and the way best way to win is to deceive the audience. You’re supposed to make them think you are actually the opposite gender for that brief period of time.
Also, most of the other characters in this comic use slurs. If you’re so sensitive to that type of language, avoid reading these types of stories. Like, I really don’t see this story calming down with that aspect.

Yeah but those are moreso used in edgy teen boy slang "trap" is more of a weeb/anime term that his arisen due to translations. Plus most stories in this vein usually gear away from trans issues in relation to queer people and mostly focus on men-loving-men or drag. Plus trap isn't used as an insult here but a neutral term essentially destigmatizing it like it's not an offensive term and the standard definition. I thought trap was a neutral term because of how anime, manga and manhwa spaces treat it but then trans people just don't like the term for the implications. Those terms are used to show that these guys are edgy assholes trap is used because "that's what they call these people"

It's not that puni is trans it's that trap is used to mean that trans people especially mtf are "dirty degenerates" that want to "trick" and "trap" straight men into gay and queer relationships and relations (think ace ventura pet detective).
It's less so that and moreso that most readers and writers seem unaware that it's a slur or derogatory term. It is not neutral it is vehemently denied any traction in any trans spaces as the term inherently implies deception and malicious intent. Then wouldn't it be better to call it a crossdressing, drag or femboy contest.
I just wanted to clarify it is a slur/offensive term because in anime, manga and manhwa communities it is treated as a neutral term as it is used to describe a character that "passes" as the opposite sex but isn't or a "reverse trap" think a trap but then "plot twist remember that guy that looked like a girl? That was actually a girl the whole time" or vice versa. Trans people do not like this term I wanted to clarify it.
I have no issue with the characters that are bad people using derogatory language and slurs. I just wanted to say that it is a slur because I had once used it without knowing the connotations and it appears people have misunderstood it as me believing all the other slurs and derogatory terms are ok to say. Just because I didn't also say "_____ is a slur too btw" doesn't mean it isn't or that I condone it's usage. Looking at some of the replies some people were ignorant that it was a slur as there is enough media and awareness covering the terms "faggot" and "retarded" as offensive but because "trap" isn't wildly used in pop culture or regarded as an offensive term in online weeb communities it slips through the cracks as neutral. Likewise I am not saying all trans people find it offensive I am just clarifying it's negative connotations.
Trap is considered an offensive term by trans people as it implies the trans person is attempting to deceive others and "trap" them