I figured I’d read season 1 and treat it as a self-contained story, since all comments point to s2 being a trashfire lmao. But honestly s1 wasn’t great either. The multiple personalities thing was goofy and frankly less compelling than amnesia, I HATED the second couple, it was gross how both couples acted jealous of their lovers’ family like they can’t call their fucking brother on the phone because he’s “another man?” lmao. The story turned into something totally unrelated to the original premise.
It’s not *bad* for what it is (i.e. a shallow fantasy romance webtoon), but it’s not good either, and I ended up dropping it mid-s1 because I just didn’t care anymore.
I figured I’d read season 1 and treat it as a self-contained story, since all comments point to s2 being a trashfire lmao. But honestly s1 wasn’t great either. The multiple personalities thing was goofy and frankly less compelling than amnesia, I HATED the second couple, it was gross how both couples acted jealous of their lovers’ family like they can’t call their fucking brother on the phone because he’s “another man?” lmao. The story turned into something totally unrelated to the original premise.
It’s not *bad* for what it is (i.e. a shallow fantasy romance webtoon), but it’s not good either, and I ended up dropping it mid-s1 because I just didn’t care anymore.