not fully fuckin w the story. it’s moving too fast for me, they havent even built up any chemistry at all??? the art is too pretty not to read tbh
Its probably going to be like 20 chapters long :((( But I love the pacing its a quick and wholesome story
Whaaat i feel like they had great chemistry from the start
I think they have a lot of chemistry! But it is moving a liittle faster than i expected
idk it feels like rushed and forced? ig i’m more a slowburn gal, i just wish the characters had a but more fepth to them yaknow?
This is where I'm at!! I think their chemistry is great and I didn't mind the kiss but the sex and all happened way too fast imo
not fully fuckin w the story. it’s moving too fast for me, they havent even built up any chemistry at all???
the art is too pretty not to read tbh