Duh, he was so drunk that he was sleeping on the streets, of course he didn't give consent. Plus the entire time he kept saying "no" and "stop" and various other things, even in his drunk state he never wanted this. Not that it would have mattered since he was drunk and an Inebriated person can't consent.

He told him to stop multiple times so everything that happens there on out is rape. Also about him asking to use his hands, he asked so at the very least he could make it hurt less by prepping himself , to that the ml refused. so on top of being a rapist he did it dry with no prep just to be sadistic
Dubious consent is never when the character says no, that means there's no consent. Dubious consent is more like the character looks uncertain or like they don't want to but doesn't stop it or say no. Which is not the situation at all. And like the other comments said, when someone is drunk its automatically is rape since drunk people can't consent. But like I said he told him to stop and no like 10 times either way

I'm surprised you even asked if it counts as rape , if someone says stop or no then it's rape. If the person tries to protect themselves by trying using their hands to not get hurt, theyre comproming. It still makes it rape. It's like if someones asked a rapist to at least use a condom. Doesn't mean they're ok with it happening, they just accepted they can't get out of the situation and want the least possible suffering to come out of it
I hate manhwa where there's no logic in the universe. Author has the mc treating getting raped like a minor inconvenience. I hate when they play rpe for laughs in yaoi like bro call the police instead of treating him like he's only being annoying. It would make sense if he's scared or feels threatened but here it's not even either of those things