Plese for the love of god for the sake of all that is sacred, for the love of humanity. Dont let brunhilde's cause for ragnarok be some love story between her and siegfried. That would literaly kill this manga.
It is literally lol brunhilde started the ragnarok bc of siegfried she wanted to release Siegfried by killing each gods one to another ... aka the love made her start the manga
It is literally lol brunhilde started the ragnarok bc of siegfried she wanted to release Siegfried by killing each gods one to another ... aka the love made her start the manga Ashkan
Yeah but i hope it doesnt mess with the story... i want to continuento see the violence lol i love the characters they introduced ><
Plese for the love of god for the sake of all that is sacred, for the love of humanity. Dont let brunhilde's cause for ragnarok be some love story between her and siegfried. That would literaly kill this manga.