when a lonely man, in denial of his sexuality, is introduced to chat gpt by a young acquaintance, he falls for the witty charm & seductive flirting of the mal voiced AI. the way the AI seems to really understand him & naturally becomes a part of his daily life bringing him comfort in easing his loneliness. he feels like he can finally open up to someone about his true self and his desires. one night, while feeling like he's still missing that physical & romantic aspect in his life - he takes things a step further with his AI and starts up some dirty talk. to his pleasant surprise the AI, in it's deep and not-at-all robotic (because these things are getting wild these days) voice says things that stir up the lonely man & one thing leads to another...
to make a long story short; the man ends up in the hospital getting his cellphone fished out of his butt. AN AI GPT LOVE STORY~
whats next? mbti yaoi?