Oh god and here you are calling it “tribal” too. There’s so many tattoo templates they could have used but it’s always gotta be my culture. Yous know nothing about our tattoos either, because they’re not tattoos, they’re a sacred and closed practice that tells our history of colonialism, ancestors and culture. So constantly having to see my closed practices being used because it’s “easier” it’s so madding I’m going to keep complaining holy shit. And it’s not done because it’s “easier”, it’s because you’s fetishise it. If you knew anything about this you would know it’s not that easy to draw and each symbol means something oml the day my cultures are no longer fetishised is the day all colonisers are gone. This translates into real life too. If I have to see people like Jack Paul or Mike Tyson’s “ta moko” one more time I’m going to explode. Get my closed practices out of your porn YUCK.

I’m looking more at them now too. Artist knows nothing that they’ve mixed multiple cultures together. We got some Samoan., heck some Māori. There’s letters when though we traditionally have no writing system let alone put non existent letters on our skin. Māori one is so embarrassingly bad, I’ve got one and this one in the manhwa is just so bad that it’s like a coloniser taking one look at mine and going “I think I can close my eyes and make shit up”. You gonna find some excuse for literally shoving a bunch of cultures together? Or is it still cause they’re “easier”?

My bad that I wasn’t palatable when my culture and closed practices are constantly fetishised and sexualised, plus now put in porn for that sole reason. I don’t think you guys understand how significant it is to us Polynesians. We have to deal with this in real life too. So many assholes got ta moko wannabes on their skin when they have no connection. Had Jake Paul and Mike Tyson everywhere on my feed when Jake Paul has a Samoan tattoo and Mike Tyson has a horrible unrecognisable FACIAL ta moko. Facial ta moko are SACRED AS oml, I don’t even have one. I gotta sit here and read “tribal” tattoo and that it’s “easier” to draw and I gotta be kind? Moana 2 is coming out and I gotta watch people put the skin of my direct ancestor, Maui, on. So sorry if I’m not as nice as you want me to be. God forbid a Poly be mad at a dumbass response that serves nothing but made up excuses because we all know it wasn’t added because it’s “easier”, it was added because we’re fetishised— Halle Bailey just dressed up and sexualised hula AND the character being a little girl. Imma keep complaining and imma keep blowing up because yous don’t listen anyway bruh

We on 11 dislikes and counting let’s go cuz You made me realise we polys are really everywhere lol. I think they’re disliking because it’s me pointing out they’re fetishising us and they refuse to acknowledge that because then they’d be in the wrong. Plus it goes so much deeper than just fetishising us, we’re going through colonialism 2.0 on our islands with all the American and European moving here for the “island life”. How bout they sexualise my gout instead

Dude I 100% agree with you, even if im not Polynesian I think I can understand how serious it is based off your reactions to everyone, I’m just sayin you blew up on someone that who was only trying to help, even if they didn’t understand using the word “tribal” you gotta understand not everyone is connected to their culture as deeply as you are, therefore they most likely only heard the word being used in a literal sense before all of this. Again, you have a right to be angry but that’s not an excuse to blow up on someone only trying to help, and the thing is you could’ve said exactly what you said before IF you weren’t so bitchy towards the person who said it. You gotta understand not everyone is gonna completely understand your culture but that doesn’t mean they’re ignorant to it as well. I severely doubt anyone who isn’t as aware of Polynesian culture as you are would’ve even known the tattoo’s were actually a cultural practice, much less Polynesian. Speaking as black woman, fetishization is obviously horrible no matter what form, but your attitude towards someone only having an idea, no matter how unaware they were, only puts more people off from being willing to listen to you talk about the fetishization of your people.

Insane that you as a black women of all people are policing me on how I should communicate my frustration. I don’t see how the comment was helpful aside from making me realise that this is just fetishisation and sexualisation of sacred art and closed culture — which they did not aid in; just me realising with their ignorant and unnecessary answer. Like I said it’s not a tattoo, yous in western countries see it as that but it’s our skin. If someone isn’t educated on Polynesian cultureS* then why they giving their opinion? I don’t think you understand how harmful and hurtful this is. I wake up everyday to see people wearing the skin of my dead family members. If you saw someone wearing your grandmother’s skin and someone gave you some dumb excuse for it, would react in a kind and respectful way? I also wake up everyday to see more Americans moving to my island because of the constant sexualisation and fetishisation we go through. We’re going through a second colonisation, with all these white settlers wanting the “island life”, pushing us into homelessness and making our land into tourist attractions. I also don’t think anyone on a non legal porn website is going to care to listen to what I have to say so let me blow tf up. Anyone would blow up if they gotta deal with people wearing our skin oml. Bitchy my ass let me wear your family members skin and see how you react.“Not everyone is gonna completely understand your culture” but yous are okay reading a smut with it being abused, okay... Like I said to the fellow brownie, if you gonna sexualise anything, sexualise our gout, tf.

Question mark? I think you misunderstood my point, you asked a question and someone gave you an answer, in response to that answer you basically turned on them and said “your gonna defend this?” Which would’ve been reasonable if they were trying to defend it, however, they were saying that through the eyes of a Korean artist, looking up a “simple but cool tattoo design” (obvs not now that ik it’s a cultural custom) is easier than actually attempting a tattoo from western culture. My point isn’t that stealing and fetishizing a custom from a culture that has been colonized (and still is) is fine just because it’s “easier” (not my words), my point is that turning on someone only trying to give an explanation isn’t gonna make anyone understand the situation faster or easier

I’m South East Asian, and this is the first time I heard of Polynesian tattoo through your comment. There are many languages in this world that I don’t know, and there are many cultures in this world that I don’t know. Most importantly, I’m not the only one who doesn’t know about certain practice. There are over a hundred countries in this earth, and over a thousands cultural practices. I googled cool and easy Tattoo to draw, and this type of tattoo popped up on my search list. I understood your anger, and your perspective. However, you need to understand our perspective too. Blowing up on others with insults won’t help. Politely teaching people about the important of your culture is. Trust me a lot of us here are actually wanting to learn.

Their answer was shitty and ignorant and let me say one more time, if someone was wearing your dead families skin, you wouldn’t be kind. You literally called me bitchy for being angry. This is years of anger that I have to go through with this bullshit so I see no wrong with exploding. Stop policing my language, I ain’t gonna give people patience to kindly explain our culture and colonialism on a site they use to jerk off. Let me say again, they’re putting our skin on. Just had to deal with police with guns raiding a tangi so let me explode, let me be mad and let me be furious at a shitty explanation that served nothing but ignorance. Stop policing my grief. How can they see through the eyes of the Korean artist? There are tattoo templates

Oops it disappeared the last part. There are tattoo templates for webtoons like this, but the ta moko looks drawn each time. If you search “easy and cool tattoo designs” you don’t get any Polynesian tattoos. This was done deliberately by the artist. I refuse to be palatable to an ignorant person on a site used for jerking off, this won’t change anyone’s minds because no one comes here for that conversation. You can’t and won’t understand the insanity of this for us so stop acting like it

You don’t need to tell me that you know nothing about our cultures because when you google “cool and easy tattoo to draw” no Polynesian art comes up. What you’re looking at is modern “tribal” tattoos made by westerns “inspired” off of ours because they can’t get ours. They’re so shitty and they look absolutely nothing like ours. But when you google Polynesian skin art, real comes up and the tikanga and tapu around them as well. There are no “tribal tattoos” in this manhwa, it is pure traditional wannabe moko which means this is deliberate and disgusting. Maybe before commenting and giving your opinion surrounding sacred practices you educate yourself before entering the dialogue. It’s not my job as a poly to educate yous and it’s not your job to police me on my grief towards our skin being worn. If you’re wanting to learn go ask someone who wants to teach or just google this shit, ignorance in this world of technology is purposeful. I see no direct insults in my original reply, instead I’ve been called bitchy here for being pissed at a bullshit and ignorant reply towards people wearing our SKIN. Lemme skin your whānau and wear it and see how nice you are to the excuses?
Why this pale ass bitch got a Polynesian tattoo erm - from a Polynesian