lock in fr guys

rei November 27, 2024 6:28 am

i’m not dropping this cause i think yamada is a cheater or a red flag or that im really disappointed much, im dropping this cause the average reader of this manga does not have any reading comprehension, outside perspective, or critical thinking. some of the ridiculous things i’ve seen on tiktok and here are like: “it doesn’t matter if yamada knew or cared if alex was a girl or not SHES STILL A GIRL!! guy and girl friendships fundamentally don’t work because men only become friends with women cause they want them or find them attractive” and it’s sad cause you’re just repeating what incels think…

… and then there’s the other side of the spectrum who are 100% defending yamada, saying he didn’t need to apologize at all and “he’s a pro gamer, ofc he’s gonna talk to her all night and stuff”. first of all, i’m pretty sure he missed the point when apologizing to akane, bc that “im gonna beat alex” line was so tactless… don’t bring her up again when she’s already feeling down and insecure. where is his character development? and pls dont say there needs to be a second ml cause it’s actually refreshing to read a manga without one. i won’t comment on how many love rivals akane has though (why did the author do this to her it’s so sad).

akane needs to express her traumas of being cheated on, after a similar situation with her ex. i get she’s being ultra understanding and trying to get used to the “culture” but there’s being understanding and then there’s being a doormat. and people act like yamada can read minds? sure he understands it’s not appropriate to talk to another girl all night (not even gonna touch on how he doesn’t see her as a girl) but he doesn’t even understand the severity of it, and he needs to know or else he’s going to keep being the tactless insensitive idiot he is rn.

this manga is definitely going through a creative slump rn cause what is this? love rival #52? maybe when we finally reach rival 999 the series will end… anyway you guys need to lock in and get it together
