Bruh i just can't with them LMAO! So freaking hilarious. I thought it would just be a serious grind to be a knight, but boy was i surprised. A lot of shit is happening, cool shits to be exact and everyone is just fcking funny LOL.
Immediately one of my faves. I do hope that we get more in depth in the future on how he got to his squad in detail and how everyone tries to protect him and kinda follows him.
Bruh i just can't with them LMAO! So freaking hilarious. I thought it would just be a serious grind to be a knight, but boy was i surprised. A lot of shit is happening, cool shits to be exact and everyone is just fcking funny LOL.
Immediately one of my faves. I do hope that we get more in depth in the future on how he got to his squad in detail and how everyone tries to protect him and kinda follows him.