what tracks should i be covering exactly??? ive been vocal here about hating non con tropes in mangas since i joined because im a normal fucking human being and i don’t endorse rape, just because i added a manga to my reading list doesnt mean i automatically give it a 5 star rating??? yall are so immature i can’t believe i have to explain myself to a bunch of no-life, chronically online strangers

i just saw that youre here since 2017… thats.. kinda sad, idk how old you are but youre probably way to old to be acting like an undisciplined 13 year old… i may have gotten mad at you but its YOU “trolling” people and reading mangas about fictional characters havinv sex, for almost 7 years, but like you said it is what it is i guess
yeah this aint it, all of you sick fucks enjoying this need help