Doha's obsession is fcking terrifying

kijoo November 26, 2024 9:50 pm

i really do feel grosses out by him. He should be considered a villain instead of a 2nd male lead at this point.

    kijoo November 26, 2024 9:52 pm

    Lariette never even lead him on too bc she very clearly put up boundaries so you cant even blame her. It's this btchass priest constantly lying that's the root of a lot of problems

    Hello December 1, 2024 3:26 am
    Lariette never even lead him on too bc she very clearly put up boundaries so you cant even blame her. It's this btchass priest constantly lying that's the root of a lot of problems kijoo

    Honestly so real, she actually set boundaries with him and he was the one constantly trying to cross the line