I have seen good non-lube scenes before that could be sexy but that was not it

Ruby November 26, 2024 9:15 pm

not gonna lie I am pissed at blondie because why does he think it's OK to continue to abuse the MC because he was abused before The lube was only six feet away... and just because you can't leave any marks you want to hurt him Through penetration ? and he specifically said he doesn't like bdsm. it just put me off that whole thing it didn't make sense to his character at all for him to do that At that time knowing what he knows and his first assumption should have been that he was being mind controlled it probably was side effects but should already catch on on what was happening with mcs ex and he should have told him what happened no matter how uncomfortable he would have been I would have liked to know that information if I was MC So he can be on guard now I think there's going to be some stupid plot to us where there in the nightmare dungeon together and because he didn't warn them they're going to get fucked with by the ex and be in danger
