OMGG HE'S PRACTICALLY THE CARBON COPY OF HYE-SUNG! So much snark! I have no doubts he could have been Hye-Sung if he was truly born an alpha. I wonder how Hye-sung is right now though, if he's mellowed out a bit over the years Byul has grown up.
Also, I KNEW IT! BYUL WAS GONNA BE AN IDOL! The moment I saw that art of him dancing as a toddler, I was like "definitely idol material" cuz I just knew he was just gonna get it from Dojin in some way.
OMGG HE'S PRACTICALLY THE CARBON COPY OF HYE-SUNG! So much snark! I have no doubts he could have been Hye-Sung if he was truly born an alpha. I wonder how Hye-sung is right now though, if he's mellowed out a bit over the years Byul has grown up.
Also, I KNEW IT! BYUL WAS GONNA BE AN IDOL! The moment I saw that art of him dancing as a toddler, I was like "definitely idol material" cuz I just knew he was just gonna get it from Dojin in some way.