If we cant be more than friends and I have a crush on them whether they flirt with others in front of me or not the friendship is over. I have been in some situations that have caused me to feel that way. It might not seem nice to drop friends like that even if they try to be courteous but I just dont want to feel miserable and I will no matter how nice they try to be about it. I am not owed a relationship. Fair enough. They also are not owed my friendship.
just start to put some distance between you two, your feelings might settle the further you are from them
oooh, lolol "your" and "you're" can make a big difference hahaha. but now that I actually understand the question. No, i think i would still remain as friends cuz based on your scenario, my crush isn't officially mine, ya know? plus we stand as friends so that makes it even more weird to just cut ties and ignore each other completely. until i actually make it clear that i like them, i have no right to be jealous of who they flirt with.
the thing is, if your crush doesn't know that you like him, then if he does flirt with others hes doing nothing wrong because he doesnt know about your feeling
Let's say your friends with your crush and you know they'd flirt to others. Would you continue being friends with them as long as y'all get go communicate or would you ignore them completely?