shota mangas

Marsmito November 25, 2024 12:19 am

why has so much shota mangas been taken off of here ? u guys are fine with stuff like Jinx bcs it’s fictional until its shotas which is/was a big theme in yaoi

    seabi November 25, 2024 4:51 am
    First of all, they're not links, and second, if they were actively seeking it out it wouldn't be that hard to find. Saying "go seek help" to someone who doesn't enjoy that shit is just rude

    idgaf you shouldn’t recommend sites like this to someone who enjoys pedophilia that’s weird as fuck, that’s common sense i believe

    Me_for_ president November 25, 2024 4:51 am
    First of all, they're not links, and second, if they were actively seeking it out it wouldn't be that hard to find. Saying "go seek help" to someone who doesn't enjoy that shit is just rude

    Girl, why are you defending them? That’s so weird.

    November 25, 2024 4:54 am
    Girl, why are you defending them? That’s so weird. Me_for_ president

    What exactly am I defending?? They literally said they don't like Shota, do you know who I even replied to??

    November 25, 2024 4:55 am
    idgaf you shouldn’t recommend sites like this to someone who enjoys pedophilia that’s weird as fuck, that’s common sense i believe seabi

    Like I said, they probably already knew those websites, and those websites aren't even purely shota/loli it has other shit too. I use mrm all the time.

    November 25, 2024 4:58 am
    idgaf you shouldn’t recommend sites like this to someone who enjoys pedophilia that’s weird as fuck, that’s common sense i believe seabi

    Acting as if they're recommending dark web websites or some shit when they're so easily accessible

    Me_for_ president November 25, 2024 4:59 am
    Acting as if they're recommending dark web websites or some shit when they're so easily accessible

    But you shouldn’t be recommending them even if they’re accessible that’s fucking weird

    seabi November 25, 2024 5:01 am
    Acting as if they're recommending dark web websites or some shit when they're so easily accessible

    thing is, look, just imagine if this person didn’t know about these sites. then it’s better to tell them to go away instead of recommending them sites where they can jerk off on pedophilia ? it’s like you tell me « mh i like watching gore videos » and i say « hey you’re weird ! go watch videos on wpd! » like ???? tf is wrong with you for even defending them? it’s weird, that’s it. you don’t rec sites even if they are very accessible.

    November 25, 2024 5:06 am
    thing is, look, just imagine if this person didn’t know about these sites. then it’s better to tell them to go away instead of recommending them sites where they can jerk off on pedophilia ? it’s like you... seabi

    Why do I need to have this conversation with you guys when you already got it from the person I defended? I fully agree with what they said. Go back to their comments if you didn't understand me or something holy shit

    November 25, 2024 5:09 am
    thing is, look, just imagine if this person didn’t know about these sites. then it’s better to tell them to go away instead of recommending them sites where they can jerk off on pedophilia ? it’s like you... seabi

    Also with the gore thing, someone who likes watching it would know the websites, I used to have a gore addiction as a kid and knew A LOT of them. If someone is truly obsessed with a certain media, they would know where to go look for it. And AGAIN those websites don't only purely contain Shota/loli content

    seabi November 25, 2024 5:11 am
    Why do I need to have this conversation with you guys when you already got it from the person I defended? I fully agree with what they said. Go back to their comments if you didn't understand me or something ho...


    November 25, 2024 5:13 am

    Because you're just reiterating the same shit you told them, at least say something new LMAO what you so angry for

    seabi November 25, 2024 5:14 am
    Also with the gore thing, someone who likes watching it would know the websites, I used to have a gore addiction as a kid and knew A LOT of them. If someone is truly obsessed with a certain media, they would kn...

    i never said they only contain pedophilia, also stop saying shota or loli when were talking about pedophilia, it’s fucking weird. then that’s what you don’t understand pookie, i don’t care if they knew or not these websites, it is still weird to recommend websites to someone for them to go read pedophilia. you shouldn’t do that. even if they knew you don’t go and say « ok youre weird but go on that website if you wanna read pedo stuff » it’s like you’re agreeing with what they do??? so stop being so fucking dense and try to actually use your brain for once

    seabi November 25, 2024 5:15 am
    Because you're just reiterating the same shit you told them, at least say something new LMAO what you so angry for

    girl i swear u fucking weird it’s 6am what are you on about i swear yall fucked up. you’re the one who replied to my comment? ofc i’m gonna be saying the same shit if you’re so slow and don’t understand half of our comments. im not angry i’m actually concerned for you and your stupidity, what did you expect me to reply to you ?

    November 25, 2024 5:19 am
    i never said they only contain pedophilia, also stop saying shota or loli when were talking about pedophilia, it’s fucking weird. then that’s what you don’t understand pookie, i don’t care if they knew ... seabi

    That's literally what is called, I consider Shota and loli stuff as pedo content, it means little boys and girls THATS WHAT ITS CALLED how is using the term for it is weird?? It's just to specify that it's not actual csam and that it's drawn. I really don't care about anything else you said just now

    seabi November 25, 2024 5:21 am
    That's literally what is called, I consider Shota and loli stuff as pedo content, it means little boys and girls THATS WHAT ITS CALLED how is using the term for it is weird?? It's just to specify that it's no...

    because if theres rape in a comic you call it rape why should you fucking imagine a word for it just say pedophilia, and stop replying to ppls comments if you don’t care about what they say sayer ntgrm que tu fais chier toi va gamberger

    November 25, 2024 5:31 am
    That's literally what is called, I consider Shota and loli stuff as pedo content, it means little boys and girls THATS WHAT ITS CALLED how is using the term for it is weird?? It's just to specify that it's no...

    LMAOOO YOU REALLY GOT UPSET I literally said that I considered it pedo content, I even said it in other comments, and i didnt imaging that fucking word, it already existed insulting me in another language is hilarious tho LOL

    November 25, 2024 5:33 am
    That's literally what is called, I consider Shota and loli stuff as pedo content, it means little boys and girls THATS WHAT ITS CALLED how is using the term for it is weird?? It's just to specify that it's no...

    Blocking me over that is funny too yall are so serious over mentioning a couple websites. Notice how I didn't even insult you once meanwhile you called me shit like slow?? Weird asf insult btw

    seabi November 25, 2024 5:35 am
    Blocking me over that is funny too yall are so serious over mentioning a couple websites. Notice how I didn't even insult you once meanwhile you called me shit like slow?? Weird asf insult btw

    ah sa mère pureee jtai dit que t’étais slow d’un coup c une insulte bah mskn hein ma sœur va gamberger ailleurs le sang sayer tu casses trop les couilles j’te bloque pcq tu f chier bouffonne va

    November 25, 2024 5:40 am
    Blocking me over that is funny too yall are so serious over mentioning a couple websites. Notice how I didn't even insult you once meanwhile you called me shit like slow?? Weird asf insult btw

    I don't care enough to translate all of that bc it's probably just more insults LMAO so I just want to say is that I didn't know you were a minor. you literally shouldn't even be on here to begin with, keep going to school or smth instead of arguing with strangers online

    Also clearly the block button doesn't work LOL

    Kuku November 25, 2024 7:39 am

    Not that one guy who told everyone to stfu but continued to argue with people online too sorrows prayers