thing is, look, just imagine if this person didn’t know about these sites. then it’s better to tell them to go away instead of recommending them sites where they can jerk off on pedophilia ? it’s like you tell me « mh i like watching gore videos » and i say « hey you’re weird ! go watch videos on wpd! » like ???? tf is wrong with you for even defending them? it’s weird, that’s it. you don’t rec sites even if they are very accessible.

Also with the gore thing, someone who likes watching it would know the websites, I used to have a gore addiction as a kid and knew A LOT of them. If someone is truly obsessed with a certain media, they would know where to go look for it. And AGAIN those websites don't only purely contain Shota/loli content

i never said they only contain pedophilia, also stop saying shota or loli when were talking about pedophilia, it’s fucking weird. then that’s what you don’t understand pookie, i don’t care if they knew or not these websites, it is still weird to recommend websites to someone for them to go read pedophilia. you shouldn’t do that. even if they knew you don’t go and say « ok youre weird but go on that website if you wanna read pedo stuff » it’s like you’re agreeing with what they do??? so stop being so fucking dense and try to actually use your brain for once

girl i swear u fucking weird it’s 6am what are you on about i swear yall fucked up. you’re the one who replied to my comment? ofc i’m gonna be saying the same shit if you’re so slow and don’t understand half of our comments. im not angry i’m actually concerned for you and your stupidity, what did you expect me to reply to you ?

That's literally what is called, I consider Shota and loli stuff as pedo content, it means little boys and girls THATS WHAT ITS CALLED how is using the term for it is weird?? It's just to specify that it's not actual csam and that it's drawn. I really don't care about anything else you said just now

I don't care enough to translate all of that bc it's probably just more insults LMAO so I just want to say is that I didn't know you were a minor. you literally shouldn't even be on here to begin with, keep going to school or smth instead of arguing with strangers online
Also clearly the block button doesn't work LOL
why has so much shota mangas been taken off of here ? u guys are fine with stuff like Jinx bcs it’s fictional until its shotas which is/was a big theme in yaoi