For now it seems like there is no reason. I hope there is a reason and hopefully nothing like infertility/miscarriage (can be a reason, but a woman can't do something about that sometimes, but we don't know more about that right now, sadly).
But yeah, I agree if the author offed him and made her a widow finding new love, would also be a great storyline (maybe with the still holding on and bla.)
It would probably be an interesting end to their relationship if he actually goes back to what he once was back then but with out her in it anymore. Lifetime to Grovel but live on with his gargantuan mistakes. It's more interesting than him still being trash that gets killed in the end. I want to watch him repent and live his days in misery knowing what he lost but also move on.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not siding with him or anything but it’s really sad to see how much he liked her and how hard he worked for her all for him just to change his mind like overnight. Kinda proves that men usually like the chase