Honestly i am only writing this review because everyone is trashtalking about this manhwa but in my opinion this was one of the most realisticly written good manhwas out there. it had a solid plotbuild, the charecters were well drawn, the story didn't feel rushed and i loved the ending too it was realistic, which might not be everyone's cup of tea but it was for me. Now about the charecters :
* the seme is an middle age gay man and has gone through a lonly life, the author beautifully showed his insecurities and his thoughts throughout the story. He was a flawed charecter but honestly one could understand where he was coming from but that didn't exactly justified his actions and he had to face the consequences for it. But one could really feel his guilt and self hatred through the screen, how he wished he wasn't a coward and self conscious abut himself but couldn't change it, it was realistic and i could really feel him there cause just because you know your flaws you can't miraculously change them. and another amazing thing i loved about this manhwa was that the author didn't age filtered the old man, he really looked his age. Some manhwas make the middle age man look like they hasn't aged much to make readers less conscious about their age. But surprisingly this manhwa didn't do that . the people really looked their age and it actually bothered me at first but then i thought that it's their realationship, they can date whoever they want , however their partner looks like shouldn't matter to others as long as thay mutually love each other , they are free to do whatever thay want.
*Now the uke , the uke is a younger guy who has a bright and outgoing personality. I really loved the fact that uke didn't hide his feelings about anything and just does things that his heart wants. honesly i loved his personality very much he was cheerful but not dense and belived in actions rather then words. he literally outright confessed his feelings when he knew that the old man was gay, even when he was rejected a few times, he didn't give up and kep persuading the man who eventually gave in. the uke had his own thoughts and concerns in the realationship as well. As this was his first realationship, he displayed inexperiences , excitement and his own doubts anout the realationship. Besides that he had really healthy friends and parents which was nice to see, that's why he is really outspoken about his feelings but also keeps his feelings to himself when he thinks that he might hurt the oyher person. He was soooo cute, he is my fav in this manhwa.
Now to the plot : What i really loved about the plot was that even tho the charecters had a huge 26 years age gap and in a same sex realationship, it wasn't the main issue at all. The reason they broke off was so logical like any realation could had broken off in those circumstances it wasn't because being in a gay realationship or the age gap. It was simply because they weren't right for each other. One was too compromising and the other was too controlling to hide his flaws. The realationship eventually became a burden which hurt both of them. Sure ending it was painful but that was the right thing to do in a toxic realationship where one can even love himself. At the epilogue where the uke moved on, what was really refreshing to see was that he learned from his past realationship and etarves to do better in his prasent one. He is now honest , lives in present and makes his partner feel secured . As he ages , he can also sympathize with the old man, why he did what he did and how he felt but the uke now knows to never do those actions out of his own insecurities becuse he knows how it feels to be in the receiving end.
All in all I really loved the story and o would definitely recommend you to read it. It was a pretty long review right? I am writing it in 2:20 am haha. write a reply about how you felt about this manhwa i would like to konw. Thank you for reading my rumbling, Have a nice day. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Honestly i am only writing this review because everyone is trashtalking about this manhwa but in my opinion this was one of the most realisticly written good manhwas out there. it had a solid plotbuild, the charecters were well drawn, the story didn't feel rushed and i loved the ending too it was realistic, which might not be everyone's cup of tea but it was for me. Now about the charecters :
* the seme is an middle age gay man and has gone through a lonly life, the author beautifully showed his insecurities and his thoughts throughout the story. He was a flawed charecter but honestly one could understand where he was coming from but that didn't exactly justified his actions and he had to face the consequences for it. But one could really feel his guilt and self hatred through the screen, how he wished he wasn't a coward and self conscious abut himself but couldn't change it, it was realistic and i could really feel him there cause just because you know your flaws you can't miraculously change them. and another amazing thing i loved about this manhwa was that the author didn't age filtered the old man, he really looked his age. Some manhwas make the middle age man look like they hasn't aged much to make readers less conscious about their age. But surprisingly this manhwa didn't do that . the people really looked their age and it actually bothered me at first but then i thought that it's their realationship, they can date whoever they want , however their partner looks like shouldn't matter to others as long as thay mutually love each other , they are free to do whatever thay want.
*Now the uke , the uke is a younger guy who has a bright and outgoing personality. I really loved the fact that uke didn't hide his feelings about anything and just does things that his heart wants. honesly i loved his personality very much he was cheerful but not dense and belived in actions rather then words. he literally outright confessed his feelings when he knew that the old man was gay, even when he was rejected a few times, he didn't give up and kep persuading the man who eventually gave in. the uke had his own thoughts and concerns in the realationship as well. As this was his first realationship, he displayed inexperiences , excitement and his own doubts anout the realationship. Besides that he had really healthy friends and parents which was nice to see, that's why he is really outspoken about his feelings but also keeps his feelings to himself when he thinks that he might hurt the oyher person. He was soooo cute, he is my fav in this manhwa.
Now to the plot : What i really loved about the plot was that even tho the charecters had a huge 26 years age gap and in a same sex realationship, it wasn't the main issue at all. The reason they broke off was so logical like any realation could had broken off in those circumstances it wasn't because being in a gay realationship or the age gap. It was simply because they weren't right for each other. One was too compromising and the other was too controlling to hide his flaws. The realationship eventually became a burden which hurt both of them. Sure ending it was painful but that was the right thing to do in a toxic realationship where one can even love himself.
At the epilogue where the uke moved on, what was really refreshing to see was that he learned from his past realationship and etarves to do better in his prasent one. He is now honest , lives in present and makes his partner feel secured . As he ages , he can also sympathize with the old man, why he did what he did and how he felt but the uke now knows to never do those actions out of his own insecurities becuse he knows how it feels to be in the receiving end.
All in all I really loved the story and o would definitely recommend you to read it. It was a pretty long review right? I am writing it in 2:20 am haha. write a reply about how you felt about this manhwa i would like to konw. Thank you for reading my rumbling, Have a nice day. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶