Well first maybe you should explain while you don’t like the story you guys insist sticking around just to complain about it?? And sure I may not be the author BUT FOR GOODNESS SAKE ISNT IT BASIC KNOWLEDGE YOU RESPECT THE AUTHOR???
I don’t want to continue uploading here partly because of that because both the author and the story deserve better!
And did you know that I was the one insisting that our uploads continue on mangago as well while we were planning to move on?? Sure don’t believe me if you insist but now I see why the other translators quit as well
And I’m not saying you should except the abusive ML (even that fake 2nd ML isn’t any better) but you also don’t have to complain about it like, 24/7??
And besides, as I’ve said before, you people don’t read the story properly!
Just start, see a little abuse and then complain about it without bothering to read the rest! Else you you people would know that the crown prince has gone through is own hell just as much as the mc.
And don’t just take this personal, this goes for a great share of readers here

NOT A SINGLE SOUL HERE DISRESPECTS THE AUTHOR. PEOPLE JUST HATE STORY PLOT LIKE THAT. THAT DOESNT MEAN THEY HATE THE AUTHOR. OK good for you dont upload here. The story doesnt deserve good unless the ML was good. This STORY IS straight up abuse and grape that normalized here and making mc a pushover too. Ok move on hence there are many people that would be feel honored to upload for the READERS. Imagine getting moved on (not u speaking generally) from here bc u got called out by loving abuse bye ig (again not u, mean Generally) the fake 2nd ML ur mentioned was way better then choice then ML btw ok lets move on. Ofc PEOPLE HAVE TO COMPLAIN FOR ABUSIVE ,GRAPIST, MANIPULATIVE SH1TS TF???
Lol say what? We dont read the story properly? Oh cmone...people read the story (except me cause the ML was ONE OF THE SHITTIEST EVER thats why I dropped) and Review it by that lol.
Tf u mean "little abuse"??? Bro srsly ?? Is this for u "little abuse"?? (I hope not bc if it is its disgusting)
CP aint went through shit to make mcs live worse then his just bc u had a bad past doesnt mean you should wrong do that innocent person :/ DONT PROTECT THE ABUSER BUT SIDE WITH THE VICTIM BUDDY. CP LEFT THE VICTIM SIDE LONG TIME AGO WHEN HE STARTED TO ABUSE LMFAO.
And ofc dont take this Personal this goes for All readers who think that way...
I’m gonna see if I can convince our translater to stop uploading here because you guys are garbage