They literally just stated their opinion. People really need to chill trying to police what people say here in the comment section.
They are very well in their right to say that they think season 2 is shit. Why do you feel so incredibly offended by it? If you like it you can just write what you like about it instead of trying to make people shut up who don’t enjoy the story anymore. Otherwise the comment section will become useless because many people read the comments to decide if they want to start reading or not

I like to read all types of opinions from readers. Both positive and negatives. I don't want to just see favourable reviews. Then I would go into it with certain expectations and I could get angry and disappointed when it doesn't meet the rave reviews. If however, there are ppl shitting on a story, I would adjust my expectations accordingly or consider carefully if I want to read that story. With so many good stories out there, I certainly don't want to waste my time on shitty ones. And I certainly don't want to waste hours on reading something, only to find that it's shitty. I rather know before hand that a particular story isn't well liked by everyone. So I for one, am very appreciative of all forms of opinions. Good and bad. They're all very useful.
Like season 2 is just ass