I completely agree with you. But I want to say (not in the manwha but ir) that’s wayyyy easier said than done. I feel strongly about this bc my best friend finally came back around and is leaving her DV relationship just a month ago. Believe me I was fucking angry she didn’t see her self worth and such an obviously shitty man. But as angering as it is all it does is push them away. Their partner doesn’t want them around them bc u “bad mouth them”. This then causes the person to isolate themself making their situation even worse and harder to get out of. I say this bc I did that to my friend and for a yr and a half she didn’t reach out to any of us friends.
If you think that they’re in this sort of relationship just ask them questions that cud help them find something
I hate him, and even more because I've encountered people that are like him, treating theirs partner as something that could be replaced, they're disrespectful, violent, displaying ownership and entitlement. AND I FUCKING HATE MY FRIENDS / FAMILY CAN'T SEEM TO REALISE THE MISTREATMENT. LIKE YOU ARE A VALUABLE AND UNIQUE HUMAN BEING THAT DESERVES LOVE AND IF A PARTNER CAN'T GIVE IT TO YOU I'D RATHER YOU BEING ALONE, YOU HAVE FRIENDS FAMILY AND MORE IMPORTANTLY YOU HAVE YOURSELF