more angry rant here but i j hate soohyuk. he's hot & all & i wanna get on my knees for him too, but the way he's j sooo disrespectful towards bum's relationship with yeonwoo is so frustrating & angering me sm. how can you be a best friend if you're screwing over their partner & purposefully making their partner insecure/upset? how can you say you love a person when you're trying to ruin a relationship you can see is making them happy? i am j SOOO angry with him. NTM IF HE J OPENED HIS MOUTH & CONFESSED THEN & THERE, WE'D BE OVER THIS GOD DAMN ARC THAT'S BEING DRAGGED ON FOR WAY TOO MANY CHAPTERS WITH SM FRAGMENTS IN BETWEEN. & yeonwoo, mg. what he did to bum was horrible & i hate angry sex. i'd rather we get another jumping from the roof scene than that. & honestly, i understand bum wants to protect yeonwoo's feelings but come on. if your partner is asking you MULTIPLE TIMES where you were back-to-back & re-confirming your location like... let's be real. everyone knows something is wrong. your partner knows something happened. hiding that is literally j going to hurt them even more & make the misunderstanding worst.

also, i'd j like to say i appreciate the fragments in between because that's how reality is - things pile up on you & your unprocessed past catches onto you while shit's still happening. the background story of yeonwoo is much loved & appreciated, it expands his character well. the ending of the expansion was abrupt, but i get it. that's how trauma is & it's unrealistic to suddenly be dumping allat to your not-long boyfriend in his family home while everyone's happy. i'm honestly j v upset & frustrated with having started the manhwa thinking i'll be having a good sleep tn & now i'm the most angry i've been in a long while, lol. ntm i always think like okay... this arc can't go on for THAT long considering how the story's progressed like, right? haha, boy was i WRONG. but i think that's j how the pacing with this story is. sm is happening & is added onto the more the story develops, everything is intertwined & explored in between, so it feels like the arc that i wish was already over is progressing slower. haihz... i'll j... stay away for now & come back when it has 80 chapters or smth... hopefully by then, i won't finish reading the latest update all angry again ;; i yapped sm because of how frustrated i am with the last chapter lol... 99% of this is mostly j me letting out my anger so it's likely incoherent & messy af, & maybe i have no ground/basis & i'm j mad & frustrated, lol
i tried to zoom past this arc but it's already updated to the most... this arc is genuinely j so frustrating & hurts so much, omg. it feels like it's getting dragged on longer because of the sex like... Please... RESOLVE ISSUES FIRST...